Letting Go

It’s a filmy thing to say that there is always more place in your life for more people & there is always more space in your heart to love more people. Loving more and more people is great… but adding more people in your life is not all that easy, is what I have realized in the last two months. Adding a certain someone who matters a lot, but for whom you might have to change is a choice which some of us make & some of us skip.

When you are single, you only have you to think about. You only are looking out for your convenience. You are used to fending for yourself to a point that you come to take pride in this independence & self-reliance. Then there comes a boy you never expect to come. He turns out to be this really sweet person which you never expect him to be. He accepts you with all your faults which you never imagined would be possible. Suddenly there are too many things, which are too good to be true, happening in your life. You are happy.. no.. ecstatic… no.. overjoyed but you don’t believe that its happening to you.

Unknowingly you resist all these good things happening because you are scared that it’ll go away one day. It’s too easy to get used to these good things in life. What my kind of breed doesn’t understand is you end up offending this really awesome person by resisting him & warding off all that he wants to do for you.

It’s not easy to accept it, I agree. It will feel like you are losing your self-reliance which you so painstakingly have mustered. It will feel like taking a giant leap into a deep abyss without knowing what you going to land on. I have done it & it’s the best thing I have done in a long long time.

I never thought of myself as a mushy person. Cringe – was the expression on my face every time I saw a couple even subtlely displaying affection in public. Yet, I mustered courage to take that leap. Put myself in the same bracket as those couples I made faces at. It’s after taking the leap that you realize how much you have gained by just letting go of your inhibitions & apprehensions! It’s a good place to be!